看医生需要2个多小时,而排队等待则需要90分钟以上,每个患者都将75%的时间花在医院等待。 ”
“ In China, the amount of diagnosis and treatment reaches 8.472 billion in 2018, with an average of 6 visits per person per year;
the number of people undergoing physical examination is 0.575 billion;
It takes more than 2 hours to see a doctor and over 90 minutes to wait in line, and every patient spends 75% of the time on waiting in the hospital. ”
The process of seeing a doctor is diagnosis and treatment. However, the case number of diagnosis is higher than treatment. And the short detection needs long-time queuing.
看医生的过程就是诊断和治疗。 但是诊断的病例数远高于治疗的病例数。 所以短暂的检测往往需要长时间排队。

Design Concept
So we would like to design the Health Express to make the detection could be done not only in hospitals but in any places and at any time. Vehicle as a moveable space has features like traversable, on-time and privacy which we like to use design to develop it as a carrier of the healthcare service.
因此,我们希望Health Express 移动医疗诊断服务系统,使检测不仅可以在医院而且可以在任何地方,任何时间进行。而车辆作为可移动空间具有可穿越性,准时性和私密性等特点,我们希望通过设计将其发展为医疗服务的载体。