'Enjoy Cooking'

Our Demography
Begin independent living; embark on higher education/employment; start living with partners or get married and/or become parents themselves
Vulnerable to weight gain
Individual health behavioural patterns developed
Influence health of himself, children, partner
Young People ( 18-25 )
To understand the transition age group behaviour in food Purchase and Intake
Do not know the right amount of food to purchase
Lack of skills and knowledge in the home economy to help them to have a variety of food at less cost

“ For my shopping list, I would only list down the things I need...not the amount of them….I would only decide the amount to purchase when I am in the store. "
“ You can not just follow the recipe which will end up with lots of leftovers or eating the same meal for days ”
Lack of knowledge in food and only know a limited number of recipe
Not skilled in cooking cause meal making take time.

“I spend less than five minutes preparing the few meals… If it takes longer than that, I probably won’t bother. Takeaways are quick and easy. I’ll eat at least a couple per week to save time.
Identify how to introduce
‘Food & Nutrition Education’
to the demographic and therefore have a broader impact.

By connecting to different Social Media

Recipes are from different social media including word, picture and video

Help user to make safe and nutritious food choices

The algorithm applies to make recipe recommendation more customized and targeted
Personal shopping list help customer to eat healthier in an easy way
Calendar and Reminder help the user to plan their cooking and dietary

Encourage user to cook more by making cooking more easy, convince and enjoyable

Post function help users to create Social Capital by building up the connection with people around though food and cooking